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Can Dark Mode Make Your App Superior than Light Mode?

Written by Anoop | Jul 30, 2019 6:30:00 PM

While coders have always endorsed the dark black backdrop of computer terminals with flashy neon text since the 90s, nowadays with a screen in front of every eye, even average users are also favouring the app dark mode . But is it really that helpful? More importantly, should you invest your bucks for the app dark mode?

If you have seen Matrix, chances are that you recognize that black screen with some text written on it. Earlier, computer screens used to display text by bombarding rays on phosphor coated glass. Which would then shine in a fluorescent green light against the dark canvas. Like this!

That was a limitation, but today it is a choice. People feel more comfortable gazing at interfaces in app dark mode which show text on a black backdrop than a simple black on white text. As smartphone usage increases, the dark mode helps in cutting down the eye strain. While also providing a more immersive experience.

Popularity of night mode

But is app dark mode useful and practical enough? While the lack of concrete study does leave it dangling, people favour it. So much so that Apple announced a new update for both MacOS and iOS which includes a system wide dark mode. Microsoft's Windows 10 also now supports a dark version for most of its system applications. Google is planning a night mode for its upcoming Android Q. It has already introduced night mode for some of its popular applications, including - Google Photos, Google News and Calendar.

Other benefits

While night mode is more of an aesthetic change, app dark mode also helps in conserving the battery life of the devices which uses LED displays. However, this benefit is not available for other devices with LCD displays.

Sure, night mode seems a nice add-on, if done carefully by custom mobile app development services only then it will make an easier experience for the users.

Which apps should go for dark mode?

It is not reasonable for all genres to include app dark mode, but it is specially useful for apps which involve long sessions of reading. Examples might include a news app, a blog app, etc. Another category which can benefit more is photo-based ones. Displaying photos against a black background really makes them pop out and brings them to the user's notice.

Deciding the app dark mode needs to be carefully done so as to maintain the integrity and brand value that the regular mode provides.

Our software development company strive to make apps that are easy to use and also easy on the eyes. If you have a great idea, or want to make a dark version for your app feel free to contact us now!