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Flutter App Development- One Codebase Two Platforms

Written by Sanjay | Aug 26, 2019 6:30:00 PM

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source Software Development Kit (SDK), developed by Google that enables developers to write a single code for both android and apple apps. Developers find it more comfortable to build an interactive user interface with Flutter app development. Plus, it takes comparatively less code to sync and update the view of the app.

Flutter app development uses Dart as its excellent programming language and a simple method to design and build stunning apps. It is equipped with Material Design for Android and Cupertino for Apple platforms.

Features that make Flutter Standout

Hot Reload

Hot reload is simply making the required changes in the code and see them as and when they happen. With this feature, developers can add multiple features, and fix issues in milliseconds. Its engine and UI Library are the main components behind the speedy performance and integration of resources.


Traditionally, building cross-platform apps have faced performance hits because of working across different realms. The application is developed with JavaScript but its UI is completely native. Variables in one realm can’t be accessed by another realm. All interaction of variables and data across the different realms must be done over a “bridge”.

For example, Debugging React Native apps in chrome mean the application is running in two different realms (Desktop and Mobile). These realms are bridged over a WebSocket.

Optimizations in React Native try to keep the passes across the Bridge during the application runtime to the bare minimum. Ultimately, each of the different environments can be fast but the delay arises in exchanges across the Bridge.

Flutter counters this problem with its reliance on Dart which is AOT-compiled. This means there is no need for the application to use a bridge during runtime because the application is compiled to native code.

Extensive Widgets

Flutter app development has the capability of developing customizable widgets. Equipped with Material Design and Cupertino sets of widgets, it offers a glitchless experience. Widgets form an essential part of the app interface and its view. It doesn't matter what the screen resolution is, widgets have the onus to provide a natural look and feel.

Plus, they also have to be quick and customizable. Its concept of everything is a widget simply means that widgets have multiple purposes.

Access Native features and SDKs

It makes your app livelier with platform API’s, 3rd party SDK’s, and native code. It allows you to reuse your existing Java, Swift, and Object C code and access native features and SDK’s on iOS and Android.

Business point of view

Apart from a speedy app development process, Flutter considerably reduces the production costs because of its single code base. Due to its architecture, it's posing a great competition in front of React Native.

Many big companies like Spotify, and Alibaba already use it for app development.

Underlying Dart

Dart is used by the Flutter team for several reasons:

  • AOT
    Dart is Ahead-Of-Time compiled. The Dart VM supports the building of native ARM code for the platforms you are developing for. The implication is that the applications are much faster in comparison to those which use Just-In-Time compilers, which compile on-the-fly at program execution.
  • JIT
    Dart also offers Just In Time compilation. Flutter leverages this ability in development to make for faster development cycles. Features like Hot Reload are made possible because the application can easily compile the updates, making it easier to test and iterate over a product.
  • Strongly typed
    Dart is strongly typed. If you have used Java and C#, transitioning to Dart can be ideal for several reasons, one of which is, given the familiarity and type safety that Dart offers, you don’t have to sacrifice on your programmatic completeness.
  • Server-side Curiosity
    Dart is a great fit for a lot of things, including running on the server. Server-side Dart is a growing interest for many and It makes for a great case to use it in Flutter considering the possibility of a unified codebase.

Getting Started with Flutter

Head over to Flutter.io to find out how to get started with Flutter app development. Read more to know about its latest version Flutter 1.0.

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